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Thesis submission

Congratulations, you've written your thesis! Now you have to submit your thesis for external examination. There are four key steps in the thesis submission process:

  1. Preparing your thesis for submission
  2. Nomination of examiners by your Supervisor
  3. Submitting the Intention to Submit form
  4. Submitting your thesis to Graduate Research

Preparing for thesis examination

Please consult with your supervisors for advice on preparing your thesis for submission.

Appointment of examiners

Your Primary Supervisor is required to nominate three (3) external examiners by the time you submit your Intention to Submit form.

Failure to nominate examiners prior to your thesis submission will lead to delays in your examination.

  • Your Primary Supervisor is required to consult with you on the choice of examiners to nominate.
  • You may object to any suggested examiners in the Intention to Submit form.
  • It is recommended that your Primary Supervisor recruit potential examiners as soon as you complete your Pre-Submission Seminar.
  • Your Primary Supervisor is required to submit an Appointment of Examiners form (Available in the Staff Portal) for each examiner for the faculty Associate Dean Research (ADR) to review and approve.
  • Graduate Research will conduct a Conflict-of-Interest check to ensure there is no unmanageable conflicts between you and the examiners, or any member of your Supervisory panel and the examiners.
  • The final examiners appointed by the ADR will remain confidential throughout your examination.

Read Information for examiners

Intention to submit

You are required to submit an Intention to Submit form at least four (4) weeks prior to the submission of your thesis.

  • Once you submit your form it will be automatically emailed to your Primary Supervisor to complete.
  • Your Primary Supervisor must provide feedback on your Pre-submission Seminar in the Intention to Submit form.

Thesis submission

Failure to submit your thesis on time may lead to going overtime on your candidature and incurring additional tuition fees.

  • Upload your thesis PDF file to your P站视频 student OneDrive.
  • Complete the Thesis Submission online form including the link to your OneDrive Thesis file.

Once you submit your form it will be automatically emailed to your Supervisory Panel to complete.

What happens next?

Once all members of your Supervisory Panel have signed the thesis submission form, it will be sent to HDR Examination to accept.

Provided your examiners have been appointed and your thesis has been provided in the correct format, your thesis will be sent to examiners within 5 - 10 working days.

Find out about examination completion

Need help?

The HDR Examination team provides central administration of thesis examination for Higher Degree by Research candidates from thesis submission to course completion.

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