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Information for examiners

Thank you for agreeing to act as an Examiner of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) award at the P站视频 (P站视频). Thesis Examination at the P站视频 is managed by the HDR Examination team in Graduate Research.

Below you’ll find information about the examination process at P站视频.

Guidance for examiners

Download detailed guidance for examining the thesis for each degree below.

For detailed information please refer to the University’s:

Appointment of examiners

Primary Supervisors are required to submit an online Adobe Sign form to nominate you an as Examiner. You will receive an auto-email from Adobe Sign with a link to complete the form including declaring any interests you may have with the Candidate or Supervisory panel.

Once you complete the form the faculty Associate Dean Research will be required to approve your appointment and you will receive confirmation of appointment from the HDR Examination team.

Watch the video below for instructions on how to complete the Appointment of Examiner form in Adobe Sign:

Examiners report

When a candidate submits their thesis for examination, Graduate Research will send each examiner an Examination Report online form with the Thesis embedded via Adobe Sign:

  1. You will receive an email from Adobe Sign with the subject line:
    Signature requested on “…Thesis for Examination – Student Name...”
  2. Click the button in that email to begin the examination process.
  3. You can revisit the form as many times as you like until submitted. The form will automatically save every 10 seconds.
  4. Upload your report comments as a PDF to the form, complete, sign and submit to finalise your examination and submit the form for processing.

As the examiner you will be able to view/download the Thesis as well as complete the Examination Report form within Adobe Sign. Instructions on the Required Steps are provided in the form.

Watch the video below for instructions on how to complete the Examination Report form in Adobe Sign:

Honorarium payment

We appreciate the time and significant contribution that examiners make to the quality and assessment HDR theses at P站视频.

Upon completion of your examiners report, you can receive an honorarium payment as per the amount set out on the website.

In the Examination Report online form you will be asked to indicate whether you wish to receive the honorarium payment or donate this payment towards the P站视频 Student Bursary fund.

If you wish to receive the honorarium payment, upon receipt of your Examination Report by Graduate Research you will be sent a separate Banking Authority Form via Adobe Sign to complete so we can make the payment to your nominated account.

Watch the video below for instructions on how to complete the Banking Authority form in Adobe Sign:

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the examination process please email the HDR Examination team.

Contact Us