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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have any enquiries that are not addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or the P站视频 CIRI Research Grant Scheme Guidelines and Application Template document, you may contact us by email at

Project teams may include non-P站视频 members but are to be led by a current P站视频 researcher.

Refer to the eligibility and selection criteria in P站视频 CIRI Research Grant Scheme Terms and Conditions

Although it is not essential it is preferred, however, it is mandatory that project teams must include an Indigenous researcher, student or research assistant. This can be an external collaborator.

Refer to eligibility and selection criteria in the P站视频 CIRI Research Grant Scheme Terms and Conditions

The amount of seed funding granted under this scheme will vary depending on how much has been provided in the budget for that year.

The maximum funding that may be available is $50k per year over 2 years.

The committee may not always grant the amount of funding requested as the Research Grant Scheme funds may need to be shared between a number of projects. Or the committee may feel that the project does not require as much funding as was requested in the application.

The final decision on how much a project will be funded is entirely up to the P站视频 CIRI Executive Committee.

The average length of a project under this scheme is 2 years and projects will only be funded for a maximum of 2 consecutive years.

The length of a project may go from a few months to 3 years.

In the case of a project have a 3 year duration this would usually be when deliverables such as data analysis, articles, etc, are scheduled  to occur in the third year.

Yes, but it is up to the P站视频 CIRI Executive Committee to decide whether this is an appropriate use of the funds.

Expending the funds for Teaching Buy-Out must be clearly outlined in the application and, especially, the budget.

Once approved, Project Leaders are adhere to the approved budget.

However, should Project Leaders wish to move funds around due to an unexpected change or requirement, then they are to contact the P站视频 CIRI Secretariat with a request for a change to the project budget BEFORE using the funds.

Amendments to the project budget are to be advised in writing to the P站视频 CIRI Secretariat 28 business days prior to the change being required.

Until a variation has been approved in writing, Project Leaders are to adhere to the existing project budget.

Should a Project Leader and/or their team use funds for an activity or service not in the project budget or not approved by the P站视频 CIRI Executive Committee then as per the P站视频 CIRI Research Grant Scheme Terms and Conditions, project funds may be reclaimed by the P站视频 CIRI Executive Committee.