
Learning walks


The University is a connected campus, where our neighbourhoods are linked by high-quality, safe and engaging learning walks and corridors.


Learning walks will create a distinctive, connected campus experience, encouraging movement that is rich in quality and experience.

  • The Academic Walk will link College Street to University Hill. It will be a generous civic walk, connecting pedestrians through the heart of the campus to an important cultural heritage site.
  • The Sports Walk builds upon the existing East-West link, formalising and celebrating P站视频’s sporting history. It will provide a clear weather protected link, offering spaces to sit and relax and engage with our sporting facilities.
  • The Health Loop will link our health neighbourhood to the campus core. It will have a distinct landscape character with an active interface
  • The Belconnen Boulevard will formalise existing links to the Belconnen Town Centre. It will become a generous civic walk with an urban character, featuring high-quality finishes lined with informal recreation and connections to University Park.
  • The Campus West Walk offers a shared vehicle, pedestrian and cycling connection from the University’s student accommodation to the campus core, providing outlook from key topographical features to important regional landscapes.
  • The College Walk will connect student accommodation to the core of the campus whilst providing a secondary route to Gossan Nature Reserve. The walk will sit within a landscape buffer providing ecological and biodiversity amenity.
  • The Enterprise Walk A shared East-West walk is set within the well-landscaped local centre and enterprise neighbourhood with a strong urban character. It will employ best-practice water sensitive urban design.
  • The Community Walk will provide an active frontage, consisting of recreational facilities, to the southern edge of Campus Community North. It will provide spaces for pop-up events, markets and informal exercise, offering opportunities to interact and mingle with local residents
  • The Ecology Walk is a loop trail passing through the majority of the learning neighbourhoods, with a strong landscape focus, providing insight into local ecology and biodiversity present on campus.