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Annual Conference 2021

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ACT Education Directorate

Faculty of Education

proudly present the   .   .   .  

AS Conference banner
Showcasing the collaboration
between PÕ¾ÊÓƵ and the ACT Education Directorate through the
Affiliated Schools Partnership


The Conference was hosted via the Affiliated Schools Network Portal.

The 'Session Details' tab below provides specific information about, and recordings of, each of the presentations.

8:30 – 9:00 Pre-conference
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country
9:15 – 10:00 Keynote Address
10:00 – 10:30 Morning Tea Break
10:30 – 10:50 Session One (i) - PÕ¾ÊÓƵ and Directorate Research Sharing
10:50 – 11:10 Session One (ii) - PÕ¾ÊÓƵ and Directorate Research Sharing
11:10 – 11:30 Session One (iii) - PÕ¾ÊÓƵ and Directorate Research Sharing
11:30 – 11:40 Break
11:40 – 12:00 Session Two (i) - Funded Research Projects
12:00 – 12:20 Session Two (ii) - Funded Research Projects
12:20 – 12:40 Session Two (iii) - Funded Research Projects
12:40 – 1:00 Session Two (iv) - Funded Research Projects
1:00 – 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 – 1:50 Session Three (i) - Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part One
1:50 – 2:10 Session Three (ii) - Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part One
2:10 – 2:30 Session Three (iii) - Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part One
2:30 – 2:40 Break
2:40 – 3:00 Session Four (i) - Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part Two
3:00 – 3:20 Session Four (ii) - Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part Two
3:20 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 4:00 Mentor and School Placement Awards
4:00 End of Conference
Please click on each heading below to view

- comprehensive session details
- recordings of all the sessions.

Each presentation was delivered live and virtual.

Multiple 'Virtual Rooms' were used and reused throughout the day.
Participants chose the presentations they were most interested in attending,
They, and you, can now view the recordings of all the sessions.
Click the Image of View Full Screen icon icon to view the recording in full screen mode.

Before we began

Participants got comfortable, checked their equipment, looked through the program, and made their plans for this exciting day.

Student Posters

Conference attendees and you are invited to view the research posters
produced by our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.

Click the button to view (opens a new tab in your browser).


Even with the best efforts of all, things can go wrong.

Please click on the 'Support' tab for details of how to access the help you need.


This session was presented by Emily Hills and Joanne Keens.

A highlight of the session was the

Acknowledgement of Country

delivered by Tash Lillywhite, a 4th Year Pre-service Teacher and proud Wiradjuri woman.

Keynote Address

Assoc Professor Iain Hay

Dr Iain Hay
Associate Professor,

Session One

PÕ¾ÊÓƵ and Directorate Research Sharing

There were 3 x 20 minute timeslots in this hour.

In the first timeslot there were 2 presentations.
Timeslots 2 and 3 had a single presentation in each.

See the details and recordings in the tables below.

Student Posters

You might also like to take a moment to view the research posters
produced by our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.

Click the button to view (opens a new tab in your browser).

10:30 to 10:50
Finding the Balance in the Mathematics Classroom: ‘Why Mathematics Must Change.’ Sam Hardwicke
The Affiliated Schools project: An example of a school - university partnership.
Chris Morrissey
10:50 to 11:10
Embedding Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being and Doing in Higher Education. Ben Wilson, David Spillman, Margie Appel and Michael Davies
11:10 to 11:30
Enabling Pedagogies. Alex Nagy

Session Two

Funded Research Projects

There were 4 x 20 minute timeslots in this session.

Most timeslots had a single presentation.
One timeslots had two presentations.

See the details and recordings in these tables.

11:40 to 12:00
Calm and Alert – Ready to Learn: A transition to preschool program created by families, Early Childhood services and schools. Deborah Pino-Pasternak and Anna Wilkey
12:00 to 12:20
Building Cultural Integrity with ‘Country as Teacher’: Investigating teacher engagement with pedagogies of Indigenous knowledge and being. David Spillman, Katharine McKinnon, Ben Wilson and Matt Stretton
12:20 to 12:40
The Physical Education Physical Literacy (PEPL) Approach as a Context Specific Version of Quality Teaching for Early Childhood in ACT Government Schools. John Williams, Dick Telford, Rohan Telford, Michael Davies and Naomi Nye
Co-developing a New Approach to Media Literacy in the Attention Economy. Rachel Cunneen and Mathieu O’Neil
12:40 to 1:00
Using Action Learning as a Tool for Developing Effective Personalised Learning Experiences. Maya Gunawardena, Sitti Patahuddin and Tamsyn Terry

Session Three

Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part One

There were 3 x 20 minute timeslots in this hour.

There were 2 presentations running concurrently in each of the 3 timeslots.

See the details and recordings in these tables.

Student Posters

If you haven't aleady, please take a moment to view the research posters
produced by our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.

Click the button to view (opens a new tab in your browser).

1:30 to 1:50
How can we, as educators, develop goal-setting strategies to support students becoming self-regulated learners? Marc Warwick, Greg Terrell, Benjamin White, Lisa O’Halloran, Kyleigh Howell, Amelia Clay and Shyam Barr
Reframing the focus and purpose of semester reporting to students from a summative to a formative model. Victoria Margrain, Michelle Morthorpe, Claire Sandrey and Chris Morrissey
1:50 to 2:10
How do we foster intentional collaboration between staff in our small group setting and the broader school staff? Christopher Antram, Lenita Lindeman, Susan Deards, Anthea Theodoridis and Kathy Mann
Defining diversity in the classroom, to be able to address sensitive topics effectively and empathetically. Angela Wichmann, Louise Schmidtchen and Rohan Nethsinghe
2:10 to 2:30
Fostering authentic home-school connections. Anupma Lall, Zoe Hayes, Max DeKievith and Margie Appel
Response to Intervention: a contemporary evidence-based approach to inclusion and equity. Tabatha Kellett, Alice Wann, Tanya Young, Adrian Wong, Barbara Drummond and Michaela Vergano

Session Four

Teachers as Researcher Sharing - Part Two

There were 2 x 20 minute timeslots in this session.

There were 2 presentations running concurrently in both timeslots.

See the details and recordings in these tables.

2:40 to 3:00
Strengthening reading: Using documentation of reading behaviours to make precise and evidence-informed decisions to improve reading growth. Kelly Booker, Emma Davidson, Nicky Smith, Emily Tanner, Hayley Gray and Emily Ashcroft
Improving writing: growing students' concept of themselves as text creators. Louise Coombes, Sergine Zeferino, Sue Corrigan, Faith Bentley, Hannah Lutze, Anne Westerman and Sally Rule
3:00 to 3:20
TitlePresenter(s) Recording
Getting it ‘write’
Extending pedagogies that support the writing skills of students with EAL(D) backgrounds to all students K-4. Exploring the impacts of a writing intervention on student self-efficacy as it relates to writing.
Anna Thorpe, Lisa Riepon, Michelle Ashworth, Andrew Buesnel and David Paterson
Building professional knowledge and understanding with discipline-based literacy to improve writing instruction. Carol Ellis, Ben Williams, Wendy Chen, Cathryn Emerson, Emily Fisher, Ray Power-James, Gavin Govan, Lucy Hayes, Faith Omufila and Emily Hills

Mentor Award_Faith Bentley2021 Mentor and School Placement Awards

The contributions of mentors and schools to the professional development of our pre-service teachers were acknowledged and celebrated via this virtual award ceremony.

Enjoy the excitement of the Annual Mentor and School Placement Awards by watching the recording of this event.

Click here to learn more about the Mentor Awards

Student Posters

One last reminder to view the research posters
produced by our 4th year undergraduate pre-service teachers.

Click the button to view (opens a new tab in your browser).

Time / SessionPresentation Presenters and Email Addressses
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country Tash Lillywhite
Emily Hills
Joanne Keens
9:15 – 10:00 Keynote Address Associate Professor Iain Hay

10:30 – 11:30

Session One

PÕ¾ÊÓƵ and Directorate
Research Sharing

Finding the Balance in the Mathematics Classroom ‘Why Mathematics Must Change.’ Sam Hardwicke
The Affiliated Schools project: An example of a school - university partnership Chris Morrissey
Embedding Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being and Doing in Higher Education Ben Wilson
David Spillman
Margie Appel
Michael Davies
Enabling Pedagogies Alex Nagy

11:40 – 1:00

Session Two

Funded Research Projects

Calm and Alert – Ready to Learn: A transition to preschool program created by families, Early Childhood services and schools Deborah Pino-Pasternak
Anna Wilkey
Building Cultural Integrity with ‘Country as Teacher’: Investigating teacher engagement with pedagogies of Indigenous knowledge and being David Spillman
Katharine McKinnon
Ben Wilson
Matt Stretton
The Physical Education Physical Literacy (PEPL) Approach as a Context Specific Version of Quality Teaching for Early Childhood in ACT Government Schools John Williams
Dick Telford
Rohan Telford
Michael Davies
Naomi Nye
Co-developing a New Approach to Media Literacy in the Attention Economy Rachel Cunneen
Mathieu O’Neil
Using Action Learning as a Tool for Developing Effective Personalised Learning Experiences Maya Gunawardena
Sitti Patahuddin
Tamsyn Terry

1:30 – 2:30

Session Three

Teachers as Researcher
Sharing - Part One

How can we, as educators, develop goal-setting strategies to support students becoming self-regulated learners? Marc Warwick
Greg Terrell
Benjamin White
Lisa O’Halloran
Kyleigh Howell
Amelia Clay
Shyam Barr
Reframing the focus and purpose of semester reporting to students from a summative to a formative model. Victoria Margrain
Michelle Morthorpe
Claire Sandrey
Chris Morrissey
How do we foster intentional collaboration between staff in our small group setting and the broader school staff? Christopher Antram
Lenita Lindeman
Susan Deards
Anthea Theodoridis
Kathy Mann
Defining diversity in the classroom,  to be able to address sensitive topics effectively and empathetically. Angela Wichmann
Louise Schmidtchen
Rohan Nethsinghe
Fostering authentic home-school connections Anupma Lall
Zoe Hayes
Max DeKievith
Margie Appel
Response to Intervention: a contemporary evidence-based approach to inclusion and equity Tabatha Kellett
Alice Wann
Tanya Young
Adrian Wong
Barbara Drummond
Michaela Vergano

2:40 – 3:20

Session Four

Teachers as Researcher
Sharing - Part Two

Strengthening reading: Using documentation of reading behaviours to make precise and evidence-informed decisions to improve reading growth Kelly Booker
Emma Davidson
Nicky Smith
Emily Tanner
Hayley Gray
Emily Ashcroft
Improving writing: growing students' concept of themselves as text creators. Louise Coombes
Sergine Zeferino
Sue Corrigan
Faith Bentley
Hannah Lutze
Anne Westerman
Sally Rule
Getting it ‘write’
Extending pedagogies that support the writing skills of students with EAL(D) backgrounds to all students K-4. Exploring the impacts of a writing intervention on student self-efficacy as it relates to writing
Anna Thorpe
Lisa Riepon
Michelle Ashworth
Andrew Buesnel
David Paterson
Building professional knowledge and understanding with discipline-based literacy to improve writing instruction Carol Ellis
Ben Williams
Wendy Chen
Cathryn Emerson
Emily Fisher
Ray Power-James
Gavin Govan
Lucy Hayes
Faith Omufila
Emily Hills
3:30 – 4:00 Mentor and School Placement Awards

Support to help you maximise your enjoyment of this event

8am to 4pm
Friday, 22 October 2021

Concierge Desk

