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FAD Professional Internship Program

For the first time in 2020, the faculty offered paid internships of between 240 and 480 hours across the public and private sectors including the Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), the ACT Government (Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate) and private sector consultancy Cordelta. These longer internships allow organisations to fully train interns and maximise the benefits of this; students gain a deeper understanding of their profession and contribute to the workplace as junior staff members and emerging professionals.

In 2020, seven Design and Communication and Media students took part in an inaugural paid internship program with the ACT Government. The students, who undertook between 240 and 480 hours paid internships, rotated around the ACT Government Directorates and the Whole of Government Communications Branch to ensure they understood and experienced the depth and breadth of communications and engagement work undertaken by the ACT Government. The internship program will run annually.

internship photo

This program is an important step for us to develop our capability in ACT Government communications and contribute to the education and growth of emerging design and communication professionals from the P站视频. It’s a partnership where we all win.

— Anita Perkins, Executive Group Manager, Communications & Engagement鈥倈鈥侰hief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government