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IAE Researchers Honoured with P站视频 Research Excellence Awards

Researchers from the IAE were honoured to receive two awards for research excellence at the P站视频 Research and Teaching Excellence Awards on 8 November.

The Freshwater Science Team, comprising of Fiona Dyer, Ross Thompson, Susan Nichols, Ben Kefford, Jacki Schirmer, Ben Gawne, LeRoy Poff, Ben Broadhurst, and Mark Lintermans, received the award for Outstanding Team Achievement in Research or Innovation.

“We have a highly committed team and it is an honour to have our work recognised by the University,” says Associate Professor Fiona Dyer. “We have a diverse range of expertise in the group, from fundamental researchers to the highly applied, which is reflected in the interesting and highly relevant work we do. The team has invested in developing long term relationships with stakeholders, and this has resulted in us becoming trusted advisors to decision and policy makers.”

The Freshwater Science Team has a reputation for being a highly productive research group that works across disciplines, research organisations and agencies. The Team attracts significant funding, publishes frequently, and presents on Australian water science and reform nationally and internationally.

“I think a fantastic testament to the dedication of the team is their suggestion to spend the prize money on a writing retreat so we can produce more papers,” says Dyer.

Professor Ross Thompson received the award for Research Excellence in Science and Technology. This accolade reflects Thompson’s research outputs, citations, research income, and supervision of HDR students over the last three years.

“I am very lucky to receive this award. The only way I could maintain high research capacity while I was Director of the Institute was due to the generosity and forbearance of a lot of great researchers and students,” says Thompson. “This also reflects the excellence of the Freshwater Science Team, a team I feel privileged to be a part of.”