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Lynore Geia_#IHMayDay

Informal Seminar on 26 October 2016:  #IHMayDay: Twitter as a platform for counter-narratives about the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

#IHMayDay is an annual Twitter event about Indigenous health, led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and hosted by the public health news site, Croakey. This presentation analyses the themes of the inaugural #IHMayDay, held in 2014. Issues related to social and emotional wellbeing were dominant, and the analysis highlights the empowering nature of the strengths-based discourse, which provided a powerful counter-narrative to mainstream discussions about Indigenous health. The event can also be seen as an example of decolonising, cross-disciplinary practice across the spheres of health and journalism. It illustrates the innovative ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are using Twitter and other digital platforms to connect, to share opinions, news and resources, to develop relationships and networks, for advocacy and engagement, and for dialogue and learning. Additionally, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are using Twitter to share Indigenous ways of being and doing. #IHMayDay can also be seen as a form of participatory media or social journalism. The presenters hope for a discussion about potential research questions arising out of #IHMayday.

Date: Monday 26th October
Time: 10.30-11.30am
Location: Seminar Room 5B55a
Dr Lynore Geia, Senior Lecturer, CNMR Indigenous Futures Research Lead, Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition, College of Healthcare Sciences, Division of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville.

Melissa Sweet, public health journalist, founding editor of Croakey, PhD candidate, P站视频, and adjunct senior lecturer, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney.

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