
Basics of Restorative Practice (28 Nov 2017)

Facilitated by Mr John McDonald, President and CEO at ProActive ReSolutions, this workshop focused on how to build respectful workplaces, transforming conflict into cooperation and assessing and managing the risk of violence in workplaces and community

“Restorative Practice is a philosophy, in action, that places respectful relationships at the heart of every interaction. This relational approach is grounded in beliefs about the equality, dignity and potential of all people and about the just structures and systems that enable people to thrive and succeed together”

(Restorative Practices Whanganui (2014).Towards a Restorative City;Honoa ki a Rongo ki Whanganui. Workplaces. p.3).

Restorative Practice is a philosophy, in action, that places respectful relationships at the heart of every interaction. This relational approach is grounded in beliefs about the equality, dignity and potential of all people and about the just structures and systems that enable people to thrive and succeed together.