
Dr David Spillman

David SpillmanYaama, my name is spilly, (David Spillman). I am Mallion (eagle), Bunda (red kangaroo), strongly connected and obligated to Karilkiyalu Country of Ngemba speaking people from south of Brewarrina, NSW. I am a career educator having worked in teaching and leadership position in remote, rural, regional and urban NT and QLD for over twenty years. In between these stints in schools, I trained and worked as a dietitian and exercise physiologist; completed a research masters degree; a doctorate; had two award-winning children's books published; played a heap of music; and traveled to a significant number of remote parts of Australia and the Pacific. What a privileged life!

Brother Benny Wilson and I are currently working in teacher education and school-based professional learning and research in ACT to assist schools to rebalance their teaching and learning by refocusing on local stories, histories and ecological communities. Through the daily enactment of Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing schools can help students and families to become great local citizens, knowing about their places and committed to caring for them.