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Art Collection Policy
The PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Art Collection is displayed throughout the campus for the enjoyment and education of students, staff and visitors to the University and to enhance the physical working environment. 
As Australia’s Capital University, the PÕ¾ÊÓƵ supports the creative development and cultural life of the Capital Region. The Art Collection contributes to this goal through the support of local artists and the enhancement of the visual experience of all staff, students and visitors to the campus.
The purpose of this policy is to outline the acquisition, display and maintenance practices to be undertaken for expansion and upkeep of the Art Collection.
The Art Collection is administered by the Art Curator for the enjoyment of all members of the University community. 
This policy applies to objects within the Art Collection.  The Collection comprises objects in a range of media that have been deemed to demonstrate artistic merit. 
Gifts and collectible objects received by the University will not usually be included in the Art Collection unless they are judged by the Art Curator as showing artistic merit in which case title is to be transferred to the Art Collection.
Significance of Art Works
The Art Collection is classified into categories of significance according to both cultural and monetary value.  
  • Highly Significant: art works valued >$50000 and/ or large art works by artists of high status
  • Significant: art works of value $10000 - $49999 and/ or art works by artists of high status and/or large art works by recognised artists  
  • General: art works of value <$10000 and/or  art works by emerging or less recognised artists and craft and decorative items
In the case of Highly Significant and Significant works, every effort will be taken to balance security and access concerns.  Priority for display will be given to executive offices, the Vice-Chancellor’s residence and the Council Room to ensure the collection is displayed to best effect and to maximise security.  
Significant and General art works will be displayed in common areas such as meeting rooms, reception areas, the Library and academic buildings. 
General art works are available to staff members for display in their offices subject to availability. 
Care and Management
The Art Collection is administered by the Art Curator.  The Art Collection represents an important cultural asset for the University and its community.  The University ensures the collection’s continued existence by providing suitable care and protection.   
This involves:
  • ensuring the integrity and security of the objects in the collection through appropriate exhibition, storage and care.
  • employing registration procedures and maintaining appropriate records of the Collection, including maintenance of a database specifying location, value, condition and cataloguing details of every item in the Collection.
  • ensuring works are only loaned to institutions which can demonstrate an ability to provide satisfactory handling, security and environmental control that meet all the conditions which are determined by the University, and providing legally binding contractual loan agreements to ensure compliance.
  • periodically conducting audits of the collection to monitor against theft and damage.
  • periodically having the collection professionally valued in order to maintain appropriate insurance coverage.
Location and Display of Works
The PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Art Collection exists for the enjoyment of all staff, students and visitors to the campus.  Ownership of all works in the Collection remains with the University and all works are subject to relocation at the discretion of the Art Curator.  Art works not currently on display are to be stored by the Art Curator in a secure location on the University campus. 

The location of works of art is to be determined by the Art Curator taking into consideration the following:
  • security and conservation requirements
  • prominence and potential for enjoyment by a broad range of viewers
  • exchange and rotation to encourage equity and stimulate and refresh interest
  • suitability of space with regard to extant interior design features
The Collection is predominantly comprised of Australian works with some works from Pacific Island nations.  An ongoing emphasis of the collection is on the acquisition of works by local contemporary artists and works by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.  The Art Collection aims to support both established and emerging artists and to continue to purchase significant contemporary works of art. 
The Art Collection is supported by an annual budget for the acquisition of art works.  In exceptional circumstances additional funding may be sought for specific projects and commissions. 
The Art Curator proposes acquisitions based on the following guidelines:
  • to ensure value for money
  • to take into account security and scale of available spaces for display of works
  • to purchase works of art by significant contemporary Australian artists
  • to acquire recent works of artists who are already represented in the Collection with earlier works and of those artists who have specific links with the PÕ¾ÊÓƵ
  • to develop the Collection’s holding by Capital Region artists and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artists.
  • to accept donations and bequests with a view to enhancing the general congruence of the Collection.  Donations are to be accepted only where the work of art is in good condition and is of a quality and standard suitable for the Collection.
The Art Collection will acquire artworks via donation, bequest, purchase or taxation incentive.
Clear title is to be established upon receipt and documentation completed to this effect (via donation form, tax invoice or other official documentation). 
All works of art collected by the University are to be registered with Financial Services and assigned Accession Numbers.  Details of all art works are to be entered into the ARTS Database. 
De-accessioning works of art
De-accessioning is the decision to dispose of a work of art from the PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Art Collection by writing off the asset or by destruction. 
De-accession of art works is not normally recommended and should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. 
All art works in the PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Art Collection are deemed to be owned by the University and no art object can be de-accessioned without following the guidelines of this policy. 
The Art Curator reviews all proposals for de-accession and makes recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor under the following guidelines:
  1. De-accessioning will be considered if
    • a work is deemed to have deteriorated beyond repair
    • the conservation and maintenance of a work causes an unreasonable strain on the assets of the University, the cost of long-term care for a work outweighs its value, or a work endangers other works in the Collection
    • a work would be more appropriately housed by another collection or institution
    • a work does not fit the collection policy
    • a work lacks sufficient evidence to support authenticity and provenance
  2. Only works acquired by purchase are normally deemed appropriate for disposal by sale.
  3. Consideration is given to any special conditions attached to works acquired through bequest, donation or as part of a larger collection.
  4. In the case of de-accessioning the work of living artists, an attempt should be made to inform them of this intention, and the possibility of an exchange of artworks with the artist should be explored.
  5. Any proceeds gained from the disposal would be credited solely to the Art Collection’s acquisitions budget