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Sustainable Shine Dome project to hold heritage symposium

Elly Mackay

14 July 2021: The Sustainable Shine Dome project – run jointly by the P站视频 and the Australian Academy of Science – will tonight present the final event of a three-part symposia series focused on fostering conversation around heritage values and sustainability.

The is being held remotely and will feature speakers including Peter Doherty (Nobel Laureate), Finding Infinity Principle Ross Harding, GML Heritage Principle Catherine Forbes, and GHD Manager May Ngui.

Virtual attendees will be able to participate in a remote mode to the live broadcast event.

The partnership for the project came about through an Australian Heritage Grant 2019/20, and is led by the University’s Faculty of Arts and Design Centre for Creative and Cultural Research.

“The collaboration between the University and the Academy of Science has allowed us to run this series of symposiums on the Australian response to climate change, lessons for a carbon active future, and the importance of cultural heritage in sustainability,” said Professor Michael Jasper from the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research at the University.

Two of the symposiums have already been held to date, the first setting the groundwork for the project and research questions, the second focusing on technical discussions related to carbon emission reductions, and creative approaches to cultural sustainability.

“We’re lucky to have such a variety of experts in their fields to speak at this virtual event,” Professor Jasper said.

“The knowledge and insight they will bring to attendees will be invaluable.”

Reflecting the project’s two-pole emphasis on heritage and engineering to best protect and promote the Shine Dome’s national heritage values, the project team includes GML Heritage and GHD.

The study has researched world-leading strategies and innovative approaches to ensure the project protects and sustainably manages the Shine Dome.

Tickets for the final symposium can be obtained for free via .