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Suja Shan


Lecturer in Nursing.


  • PhD (Palliative care nursing), MSN, BSN, Diploma in Nursing & Midwifery, GCTE, RN, MACN


Dr Sujatha Shanmugasundaram (Dr Suja Shan) is a Lecturer in Nursing at P站视频. She is experienced in teaching, research, scholarship and clinical practice (acute care and aged care) for more than 30yrs. She has done several publications in peer reviewed journals and she presented her research papers in national and international conferences. Dr Shan has extra ordinary contribution towards community service and professional organisation. Currently she serves as a Middle east Regional Coordinator of Sigma, USA and Chair -elect position of Gerontology of Mid-west Nursing Research Society, Illinois, USA. She was successful with several grants and awards. In particular, she received an Edith Anderson Education Leadership Award in 2012, Best Alumni Award in 2015 and Research Dissemination Award, Sigma, USA in 2015. She involves in many numbers of collaborative research with national and international universities. In addition, Sujatha is an accredited research supervisor for masters and PhD programs.

Research interests

  • Quantitative and qualitative research in palliative care,
  • Chronic illness
  • Nursing education
  • Simulation, COVID-19
  • Aged care
  • Oncology

