
Microcredentials and Microunits

Faculty of Education - Microcredentials

P站视频's Faculty of Education is working internationally, nationally and with our local industry partners to create microcredentialling opportunities for people undertaking Faculty of Education supported professional learning.

By offering their work for assessment by Faculty staff, participants can receive credit towards a Faculty Master degree.

Local Partners

P站视频's Faculty of Education is working with our local industry partners to create microcredentialling opportunities for people undertaking Professional Learning with those partners.

By offering their work for assessment by Faculty staff, participants can receive credit towards a Faculty Master degree.

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A postgraduate opportunity:
P站视频 & ACTED working in partnership for you

The P站视频 in partnership with the ACT Education Directorate have established a postgraduate learning opportunity for every person who has nominated for and been selected to undertake the Aspiring Senior Leadership Program. We want to reward you for completing the course work by crediting the journal, presentation, and portfolio with the equivalent value of a microunit for each task you successfully complete.

You may determine to submit none, one or more of these tasks for credit against a postgraduate Education qualification at P站视频. Each successfully completed task is valued as a single microunit. The status of this credit holds for a minimum of five years and may be used to complete a range of postgraduate options at P站视频.

Please click here for a graphical representation of the Credit Pathway.

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A postgraduate opportunity:
P站视频 & Dr Shyam Barr working in partnership for you

The P站视频 in partnership with Shyam Barr have established a postgraduate learning opportunity for every person who is undertaking Dr Shyam Barr's Self Regulated Learning Program - Project SRL. We want to reward you for completing the course work by crediting the equivalent value of a microunit for each task you successfully complete.

You may determine to submit none, one or more of these tasks for credit against a postgraduate Education qualification at P站视频. Each successfully completed task is valued as a single microunit. The status of this credit holds for a minimum of five years and may be used to complete a range of postgraduate options at P站视频.

Login - Project SRL Barr - Microcredential

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A postgraduate opportunity:
P站视频 & Catholic Education working in partnership for you

The P站视频 in partnership with Catholic Education in the Canberra and Goulburn Archdiocese have established a postgraduate learning opportunity for every teacher and school leader who has completed, commenced or will be completing the Catalyst professional learning program. We want to reward you with postgraduate recognition for completion of the course work you complete while undertaking this program of professional learning.

You may determine to submit none, one or more of these tasks for credit against a postgraduate Education qualification at P站视频. Each successfully completed task is valued as a single microunit. The status of this credit holds for a minimum of five years and may be used to complete a range of postgraduate options at P站视频.

Please click here for a graphical representation of the Credit Pathway.

International Partners

P站视频's Faculty of Education is working with international governments to create courses and microcredentialling opportunities for their citizens.

Welcome to:

STEM Rich Task - Professional Learning

P站视频 and The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

working in partnership for you.

STEM Rich Task -
More Information