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HUBU Staff and Students Visit P站视频

2009,  Xie Dan

2013, Li Cheng

2015,  Prof. R. Singh, J.Karchinsky, N.Gawak,  T,Ireland,  Prof.L.Anderson (Dean), A.Dickerson, J.Flanaghan, I.Drayton. (with Joint Program Students)

2018,  F.Guo, M.Hunter  X.Dan,  Prof.Sun Youxiang, Prof.Wang Ying,  M.Drinkwater, S.Lu.

2018, Prof.Sun Youxiang, Prof.Wang Ying, Xie Dan (with Joint Program Students)

P站视频 Visits to Hubei University

2013, Glenys London, Cathy Chi

2019, Dr Barbara Walsh, Associate Dean International

2019,  Lecturer Luke Hennessey

2023, Caly Dan, Ling Gao.

2024, Lecturer Reece Cummings

2024, Lecturer Reece Cummings joins the  Hubei University Wushu Sanda (Martial Arts) team